Just A Moment

“A song For My Love” Courtesy Stuart Glazer http://www.stuartglazer.com
Ronovan Décima Poetry Challenge #20
“Smile” In C rhyme line


The place is dim and filled with haze
Same weary souls await last call.
One last shot just before they crawl
Home to nothing, the same always.
Another day in sad malaise!

Then a women’s voice in the aisle
Waking souls with her joyful smile.
What difference a moment makes,
A single song is all it takes
To change the mood once with her style.

©2020 cj holm

“Décima” (also known as Espinel)is a Spanish style or form of musical poetry that contains 10 lines of eight syllables.
The style has a rhyming pattern of abbaaccddc. Sometimes you break the stanza up in abba/accddc.

The abba/accddc requires either a period or semicolon after the fourth line break.

2 thoughts on “Just A Moment

  1. Pingback: Décima Challenge 20 Poets Collected | ronovanwrites

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