Greatest Of All

I’m finding Décima Poetry offers a platform to voice rants and outrage as well as thoughts of hope and love.

Here is an example of my latest Décima Poetry Rant

Early morn manic excreting
Ludicrous rants of angry souls.
His twisted facts and twisted goals
Are his subjects of vile tweeting.

Race baiting’s the point of greeting
As he seeks to divide us all
He’s desperate to avoid a fall.
When leadership lacks restriction
And words nothing more than fiction
His failings are greatest of all!

                                             ©2020 cj holm

Stand With Me



Journey – Art Credit Stuart Glazer

Stand with me at the protest edge
And listen to the speaker’s words.
Carry a banner that says you care,
And sing old gospel songs!

Scream “Hands up” with thunderous cries
That echo through all suburbs!
Send a message loud and clear,
Our nation must change forever.

There is no excuse for what was done
George Floyd has gone to heaven.
Give us the life that all should have,
Equality is not an option!

©2020 cj holm

Decima Poetry Challenge


Late after dark city started burning
Unknown looters were running around
The people carried angry fire downtown
Hands up the crowds disappointment is churning.

Equal treatment is what they are yearning.
For too long resentment has been on hold!
For too long our stories been untold,
By men who have held power and great means.
Fire set in cities, the torch burns and cleans,
Fire burned injustice it’s our day, behold!

                                                               ©2020 cj holm


This is my first attempt at Decima Poetry. The rhyming pattern of abbaaccddc. Ronovan’s challenge was to use “Fire” in the “a” spot of the pattern. I cheated and used Fire as a topic. Decima poetry is brand new to me even though it is centuries old. (Sometimes it’s good to force a Swedish/German to learn new things.   Thank you Ronovan for the stretch!
