About Clarence


Clarence Holm focuses his entries on family, friends and a little business. Clarence recently retired from marketing and sales for an insurance whole seller. His interests include Poetry, Photography, Genealogy and Writing about his Family History.

As an avowed couch potato, what little time he has off the pillows is devoted to a few hobbies including, computers, electronics, woodworking and day dreaming. He is married and the father of four daughters, all old enough to realize dad doesn’t have all the answers.

He is originally from Valley City, North Dakota where his parents tried (and failed) in farming. Luckily his parents did succeed in other careers including mechanics and teaching, allowing the family to move off the farm.

A college graduate with a firm grip on what he didn’t want to do; Clarence has managed electronic stores, restaurants, and security departments. In 1989, he joined his brother and established one of the first groups of independent insurance agent clusters. From that point on, Clarence has not done anything he considers work.


All material and content on this blog is under Copyright Β© Clarence Holm 2024. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Clarence Holm and PrairieChat with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

54 thoughts on “About Clarence

  1. I really enjoyed your about building the airplane. It reminds me of some the adventures in my childhood with my five sibllngs!

  2. North Dakota, now there is quite a climate. Your sense of family comes out in your writing. Four daughters can inspire plenty of interesting stories even if you don’t have all the answers πŸ™‚

  3. Hi there Clarence, just popping on over to thank you for adorning my wee blog with a follow and to simply welcome you aboard and check out your own stuff. Nice to meet you and hope to be seeing more of you around, MM πŸ€

  4. I’m originally from North Dakota, too. Born in Minot, grew up in Grand Forks. Growing up in No Dak helps make us nice and hardy. Makes my Ohio winters much more tolerable, too. πŸ™‚

    Thanks for visiting my site. Much appreciated.

  5. Just stopping by to say thanks for the follow. Have to admit, I’m envious that you’ve managed to go so long without dirtying your hands in anything that you consider to be “work” πŸ™‚

  6. Pingback: Haiku Tribute Poet . . . Clarence Holm. | ronovanwrites

      • The last names sound familiar but wouldn’t be in that context. I spent 30 years writing resumes and editing academic papers (d.b.a. The Written Word), just locally until we got on the Internet in the mid-1990s.

        Due to age, allergies and limited mobility, I have not been active in the Democratic party for a number of years. It would have been in 1996 through, perhaps, 2000. When Scot Kelsh first ran state legislature in 1996 and following. Just in District 11, no broader. (I now vote for either Green or Democratic party candidates).

  7. Hi Clarence, glad you stumbled upon one of my posts.I did enjoy very much reading the two pieces of poetry and hope to explore more your blog when time permits. By the way I had to smile when you said in your bio that you are the father of four daughter that realize that dad doesnΒ΄t have all the answers. They probably are the ones now teaching you, and most amazing is that you managed to raise 4 girls without ending up in therapy. I have one sister and I had to get out of my house by age 18 just so she wouldnΒ΄t drive me even more nuts.
    Anyways, great writing.

  8. Pingback: Quote Challenge – Day 3 – to search and to find

    • “Clarence Pilgrim” sounds very noble! To your question—It’s the fragments of History that are unearthed and how they relate to the people – humanizing them. To hold something that a great, great, great grandparent held and use it for the same purpose. To discover a connection to an historical event, like the civil war and to see the actual contents of a great, great, great uncle’s pockets documented by the government at the time of his death at the Memphis battlefield.To read about a ancestors fight with a city official in 1650 in New
      Amsterdam and find the court records of her fine. Finding long lost cousins in far away places and share stories of how each got there. Finding the lost records of my Grandmother’s family and learning of the deaths of her three siblings and father on the prairies of Minnesota. I learned of a cousins death fighting indians at a fort in Eastern North Dakota, how he was buried in the Fort only to be dug up and reburied because the river was too close and then years later be dug up again and be buried at a different fort in Bismarck, ND and finally to be dug up again and be moved to the Custer National Cemetery in Montana. I learned of a Great great grandfathers brother, who moved with him to Minnesota to end up being drafted for the Civil War and died before he could learn English. I have documented the lives of over 43,000 people over 18 or more generations and have been surprisesat every historical encounter. That’s why I do it and why I will continue to do it.

    • I love watching my WP Reader and being able to see great words and images from places I would never be able to visit. The beauty of your photos are astounding and I appreciate your posts.

  9. Hello Clarence, former Cuba NDer here, Larry Danielson. One of my nephews (Brent, son of my twin Lloyd) tells me tonight that his Ancestry.com DNA chain indicates there might be a relationship for our family and yours by way of the Nicoli family (your side) and maybe Julia Hoeft, sister of my grandfather Martin Brock. I know there already is a round about connection through Francis Kriedlkamp who married Allen Latt, son of Martin Brock’s sister Julia Latt. Anything you know about Julia Hoeft (or Heft) having a connection to the Nicoli family?

    • There were three Hoeft sisters – Rosalie, Wilhemina, and Julia. Rosalie married Herman Gast, Wilhemina married Samuel Wolski and Julia married Gustav Brock (your great grandparents). Samuel and Wilhemina Wolski were my great great grandparents. You and I are third cousins and Brent is my 4th cousin. We were always told by my mother that she and Rosella were 2nd cousins. Between the Holm, Nicoli and Wolski (Brock) I think we were related to 90% of the area. The Nicoli relationship was the reason Rosella “cleaned up” the Swedish story of Julius Nicoli being an asshole. I had read the version of the story Rosella gave the Nicolis and then I found the original translation on the story in the Minnesota Historical Society.
      If you have any more questions you can email me at prairiechat@gmail.com.

  10. Hi Clarence!

    Lovely haikus! Wanted to stop by and say thanks for the follow on I Write Her. I do hope you enjoy what you read. BTW, I have a weekly haiku/senryu challenge you might be interested. Hope to see you there! πŸ™‚

  11. Howdy,
    I’ve been getting this feeling you’re not doing so well lately. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. But just wanted to check and see how things were. Tried an old email address you had, but it doesn’t work any longer, it was a long time ago when you gave it to me πŸ™‚ .

    • Not been a good week. Was cutting a tree down in my yard and it twisted as it fell and pinched my leg between it and an old stump. I have a badly bruised leg and a possible stress fracture in my upper Fibula. It hurts but I will live. The good news is I had time to read Mary Trump’s book and really enjoyed it. (prairiechat@gmail.com)

      • Yeah my injury history reads like a subplot of “Unbreakable”! I have been entertaining my neighbors for years, in fact, my local ambulance service sends me Christmas cards

      • Maybe your next Christmas Card to send out for the season should you laying across the hood of an ambulance, the lights flashing, and you with the Santa hat in a strategic location. And only the Santa hat. And please, don’t send me one, not even in email.

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