
Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge 273 Forest / Whisper

Chill whispers to me
through the fallen forest leaves
Winter’s time is here

See last touch of bright colors
Snow soon falls for a cover

                                                -CJ Holm
Haiku/Senryu Challenge (9/30/19)


These Cold Stones of White – Tanka

Ronovans Writes Haiku Challenge 99 – Flag and Fallen

Flanders Field

Flanders Field

Many have fallen
Following each nation’s flag
All sought life’s glory

Neatly dressed cold stone’s of white
Now resting in Flanders field

-Clarence Holm


RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #99 Flag&Fallen


Ormsby – Where the pavement meets the prairie!