The Ash Tree


I lost an Ash tree
That had been part of my yard
It was there before me
And I had watched it grow large.

I had climbed it and cursed it,
Made it part of a wall.
I watered and trimmed it,
And raked its’ leaves last Fall.

It served up a shadow,
Cool respite from the sun.
It shielded my garden,
From harsh winds from the West

I noticed lost branches,
At first just a few.
They broke off in windstorms
And littered the yard.

Last summer I witnessed
The shade had grown smaller.
Large limbs had grown brittle,
So many were gone.

The trunk had grown hollow
Now it was home for the ants.
The blackbirds still chattered
But the red robins had moved on.

I spoke with a neighbor,
I was concerned for a barn.
If the tree were to fall over,
It might cause great harm.

We brought out our axes
And went on with the task.
We took down the Ash tree,
Now just a memory of the past.

-cj holm


Another birthday today and I am feeling older—

                                                   ©2018 cj holm

old men at coffee
talking about memories
flawlessly white teeth


shopping at Walmart
cell phone rings in my pocket
who knows I am here


quarter on the floor
under the restaurant chair
not worth the effort


sunrise at table
reading the obituaries
turns out I’m still here

Almighty’s Tumble

Trunk Haiku

Words and Image ©2017 Clarence Holm

Last year’s perch broken
Victim of its age and height
Barn owl soars over

                    -Clarence Holm
Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge 175 Broken / Over
Prompt words: Broken and Over
Haiku in 5-7-5



Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge 149 Excite/Karma

Bought on an impulse
To excite man’s autumn night
This Karma(nn Ghia)

Bright red, sleek, and so shiny
It makes up for what’s not there

                                            -Clarence Holm


RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #149 Excite&Karma

See Me


I am older now since we’ve seen each other
But the passion is still inside.
I walk a little slower now,
My hands tremble as I stride.

The years passed so quickly,
Since those years long ago.
Sweet music then filled my heart and soul
And life was filled with goals.

I followed lanes of promised glory
That turned hollow and seemed cursed.
Any success I found left me cold
Thin wrappers that failed to warm.

Choices made so long ago
Obscure what could have been.
I’d rather you remember me
By how happy we were then.

-Clarence Holm